Charred Delicata Squash Fingers with The Usual

Paula: Autumn has officially arrived, so I assume you’re splashing your face with Pumpkin Spice After Shave, and lighting an Apple Cobbler Yankee Candle each evening.
Scott: You know me too well [sips a Pumpkin Chai Soy Latte, adjusts turtleneck].
Paula: Speaking of turtlenecks, it’s especially fun to fire up dinner now that the evenings are delightfully cool. In fact, I become downright giddy when pyramids of pumpkins, gourds, and winter squash appear in the market. Delicata Squash is my favorite variety, because you don’t have to peel it. In fact, the skin is arguably the most delicious part after it becomes crispy and caramelized over a charcoal fire.
Scott: Exactly. Grilling vegetables produces some of the most deliciously complex flavors. If only people had a super easy, low risk way to discover the flavor-bomb that is a perfectly grilled veggie.
Paula: Wish granted, your squash superhero has arrived! The following two-step process for grilling fingers of delicata (I usually slice them into half moons, but these hefty strips are easier to wrangle on the grill), is an easy-peasy way to enjoy the season’s bounty. First, toss the squash in a seasoned herb oil and char it directly on the grates. (Crucial bit of info: do not discard the herb oil that’s left in the bowl.) Then, finish the cooking in a cast iron skillet under a blanket of Parmesan. That tasty seasoned oil is drizzled over the squash and into the skillet, where it will sizzle and create delicious crusty edges.
Scott: [Cleans palate with a light melon sorbet, adjusts turtleneck]
Paula: You can serve this cheesy sensation family-style, directly from the skillet (use a trivet or you may find yourself in divorce court). The grilled squash makes a fun knife-and-fork side with grilled steak or chicken, or it can stand alone as a main course alongside grain salad (quinoa, barley), steamed rice, or grilled bread. Have you cued “Autumn Leaves” yet? Have you already penciled this into your Thanksgiving menu?
Where do I buy The Usual??
I love it!!$
Fire & Smoke Society replied:
Hey Csh, The Usual is one of our favorites too! You can pick it up at most Walmart stores or on our website. Thanks for the note!